
Growing 101

Author: Trish Pick

Guide to Houseplants

A Minimalist’s Guide To Houseplants

Whether you’re a diehard minimalist who’s considering making room for some plants in the house, or if you’re a recovering packrat desperately trying to Marie Kondo the crap out of your living space, this minimalism

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10 plants that make you happy

Top 10 Plants That Make You Happy

When the holiday hustle has subsided but the freezing temperatures and snow remain, it’s easy to fall into a bit of a funk. At Salisbury, we swear by the restorative, happy-boosting powers of plants! There’s

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How to transplant a houseplant

How to Transplant a Houseplant

If you’re doing everything right, your houseplant will grow more and more the longer you have it. Even if you buy a houseplant that’s already artfully nestled into a chic ceramic pot, it will eventually

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How to care for dragon tree

How to Care for Dragon Tree

I’m sure it would surprise no one to know that I’m a big proponent of houseplants. Ask any houseplant “parent” and they’ll admit that being a plant enthusiast is a lot like being a “cat

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Weird Gardening Trends

The Top 7 Weirdest Gardening Trends Of 2019

Anybody who thinks gardening is boring clearly hasn’t scrolled through social media lately””it’s an endless sea of the weirdest gardening trends! I’ve always been into exploring the latest out-of-the-box, experimental design concepts for gardens in

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Top 5 Plant Styling Trends

Top 5 Plant Styling Trends

With an endless sea of decor inspiration accounts to be found on Instagram and Pinterest, there always seems to be a wave of new house plant styling trends sweeping across Edmonton. Some trends have clearly

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The Colours of Autumn

The Colours of Autumn

I’m a little fascinated by the annual fanfare about the fall season. Think about it. Upon the first snowfall of winter, everyone is atwitter about the holidays. In spring, it’s the relief of being done

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top 7 cool season veggies and herbs

Top 7 Cool Season Vegetables and Herbs

The temperatures may be dipping, but don’t drop your trowel just yet””these cool season vegetables and herbs are still totally viable through autumn in Edmonton. While we tend to associate fresh garden vegetables with summer

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Fall planting care guide

Fall Planting Guide

A lot of people are quick to assume that fall is when the gardening season starts to wind down, but that couldn’t be further from the truth””fall planting is where it’s at. I always look

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Read through our Growing Guides for tips to enrich your garden! 

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