Build a DIY Plant Stand for Your Valentine - Salisbury Greenhouse - Blog

Build a DIY Plant Stand for Your Valentine

salisbury greenhouse diy plant stand made of wood

Let’s admit it, Valentine’s Day gifts can get a little cliché at times. Stuffed teddy bears, chocolates, or a bouquet of roses are fairly typical offerings for this time of year, but if you want to speak to the heart of the plant-obsessed, there are a few more creative ways to go about it.  

From Valentine’s-inspired houseplants (hellooo String of Hearts,) to garden-inspired gift boxes, there are plenty of things you can pick up at the garden centre to show the green thumb in your life that you care. Nothing truly says ‘from the heart’ like a homemade gift though””especially one that will help them show off their beloved plant collection! Here’s an easy-to-follow DIY tutorial that will help you build a custom, modern DIY plant stand for your Valentine.  


Simple DIY Concrete Plant Stand

This is easy and affordable! Grab yourself a bag of concrete mix, a piece of dowel, a bucket, and some basic tools like a hand saw, painter’s tape, some sandpaper, and some paint, and you’ll be off to the races. The bucket will act as a mould for the ‘seat’ of this stool-like plant stand, so select its diameter accordingly. I.e., if you want to make a fairly small plant stand, be sure to buy a smaller bucket.


Salisbury Greenhouse -DIY plant stand for your valentine-diy concrete houseplant stand

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  1. Start by cutting the piece of dowel into three evenly-lengthed pieces (this will determine the height of your plant stand).  
  2. Scoop out about 2 cups of concrete mix into the bucket you have purchased
  3. Start adding water to the concrete mix slowly until it has a smooth consistency (not so thick that you can’t slide the dowels into it, but not too watery either). This step is kind of like baking! You can add a little more concrete mix, then a little more water if the thickness of the pad you are creating isn’t to your liking.
  4. Gently tap the sides of the bucket with a piece of dowel for about 30 seconds to a minute until you don’t see any air bubbles in the concrete.  
  5. Push your dowels gently into the concrete, spacing them as evenly and centred as possible, then let the ends that are sticking out of the concrete rest on the side of the bucket.  
  6. Leave to set for at least 20 hours.  
  7. Once the concrete has dried and set, gently loosen the concrete from the sides of the bucket and lift the plant stand out.  

At this point, you can personalize it however you want! You can sand the sides of the concrete if you want a bit of a smoother look, paint the concrete top or legs, or leave it just as it is.  


More DIY Modern Plant Stand Ideas

If you have access to more tools like a nail gun, mitre saw, circular saw, or drill, then there are a few more options at your fingertips when it comes to building DIY plant stands!  


Salisbury Greenhouse -DIY plant stand for your valentine-ladder houseplant diy stand

DIY A-Frame Plant Stand

While still a beginner-friendly project, a made-from-scratch DIY A-Frame plant stand (which looks a bit like a ladder with shelves across the ‘steps’) is another fun option for those who have the tools, or friends with tools, to make it happen!


Salisbury Greenhouse -DIY plant stand for your valentine-macrame plant hanging boho

Macrame Plant Hanger Beam

If your Valentine loves macrame plant hangers or hanging baskets in general, then creating a DIY plant beam might be the perfect gift for them. Depending on their style, you can make this as natural or as modern as you like. Some plant lovers enjoy the boho vibes, which are super easy to channel by using a really strong tree branch. You could go a little more modern with a length of copper pipe or super simple with a wooden dowel. The only other materials you will need are a few strands of chain link and some ‘S’ hooks! Throw in your very own DIY macrame plant hanger, and your plant-loving sweetie will surely swoon.  


If DIY projects are simply not your cup-o’-tea, you can totally pick up some gorgeous plant stands in the Edmonton and Sherwood Park area at Salisbury Greenhouse. Stop by for a quick visit, and our team will have your Valentine’s ready well before the big day!


Houseplant Makeover

Houseplants in need of some TLC?
Salisbury at Enjoy offers professional inspection and repotting services for your houseplants.


Read through our Growing Guides for tips to enrich your garden! 

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