
Growing 101

Tag: guide

why your houseplant hates you salisbury greenhouse sherwood park st. albert

Why Your Houseplant Hates You

“This houseplant HATES ME!” We’ve all said it, and at the time, it really seemed to be true. If this is you, and you’re verging on declaring yourself an official black thumb, take heart””it doesn’t

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How Smoke Affects Your Garden salisbury greenhouse sherwood park st. albert

How Wildfire Smoke Affects Your Garden

We started July off with a bang. More like a volcanic explosion where the searing heatwave felt like burning embers embedded into our skin. What naturally follows an unprecedented heatwave? Wildfires. As the wildfire smoke

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caring for bougainvilleas

How to Care for Bougainvilleas

If you’ve ever strolled through the streets of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, you may be familiar with the glorious bougainvillea; an incredibly beautiful tropical flowering vine. It should come as no surprise that bougainvilleas, which practically

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Guide to Growing Haskap Berries

Are you growing haskap berries yet? If you’re not yet familiar with these peculiarly shaped beauties, they may soon become your favourite fruit crop in your garden. Tastier than Saskatoons, tamer than raspberries, and lower-maintenance

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4 Creative Ways To Cook With Apples

Once harvest season rolls around, those of us with apple trees are always scrambling to find creative recipe ideas. One can only eat so many pies, tarts, and crumbles””as delicious as they are, you don’t

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Guide to Houseplants

A Minimalist’s Guide To Houseplants

Whether you’re a diehard minimalist who’s considering making room for some plants in the house, or if you’re a recovering packrat desperately trying to Marie Kondo the crap out of your living space, this minimalism

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Read through our Growing Guides for tips to enrich your garden! 

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