Why Your Houseplant Hates You
“This houseplant HATES ME!” We’ve all said it, and at the time, it really seemed to be true. If this is you, and you’re verging on declaring yourself an official black thumb, take heart””it doesn’t
Growing 101
“This houseplant HATES ME!” We’ve all said it, and at the time, it really seemed to be true. If this is you, and you’re verging on declaring yourself an official black thumb, take heart””it doesn’t
We started July off with a bang. More like a volcanic explosion where the searing heatwave felt like burning embers embedded into our skin. What naturally follows an unprecedented heatwave? Wildfires. As the wildfire smoke
Technically, weeds are no different from any other garden plant; they’re just plants we’ve collectively decided that we’d rather do without. However, if there’s one thing all weeds have in common, it’s persistence: getting rid
If you’ve ever strolled through the streets of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, you may be familiar with the glorious bougainvillea; an incredibly beautiful tropical flowering vine. It should come as no surprise that bougainvilleas, which practically
“I’ve got a condition which causes me to make puns. It’s a dad-ly disease” Dad Joke, Anonymous He has enough socks, ties, and beer steins to last him a lifetime! While his jokes may be
Are you growing haskap berries yet? If you’re not yet familiar with these peculiarly shaped beauties, they may soon become your favourite fruit crop in your garden. Tastier than Saskatoons, tamer than raspberries, and lower-maintenance
Personally, I am not a fan of many creepy crawly things, and mealybugs can become a plant nemesis if allowed to establish in your houseplants. What is a mealybug? Aside from being frustratingly hard to
Fungus gnats are becoming increasingly common in Edmonton homes due to common errors made by overeager houseplant owners, so it’s worth knowing how to prevent and get rid of them! You may unknowingly be making
If you’ve been wondering how to actually get rid of spider mites, mealybugs, and fungus gnats, here’s where you should start. We’re doing a 3 part series on indoor pest control for your beloved house
While it’ll still be a few months before we can start filling our garden beds and containers, we’re right at the cusp of spring pruning season! If the thought of pruning still makes you a
While we all know pruning is a routine gardening procedure, it might surprise you how many people shy away from pruning their landscape plants. In fact, pruning questions are the most common kinds of inquiries
For those of you who made 2020 your year to start your very own garden (and there are many of you!), I put together some valuable gardening tips for your sophomore year of home horticulture.
What is dormancy, and why do some plants do it but not others? Dormancy essentially means that your plant has stopped or slowed its growing process. Plants go into dormancy when they face adverse conditions
You probably know Salisbury as your go-to place to buy local plants in Edmonton, but it’s a great spot for gifts as well! We’ve got so much more than just houseplants in stock (though, we
While it’s nice that we’ve had a pretty gentle October, we all know it can’t last much longer. Here we are, near the end of autumn, bracing ourselves for another round of winter in Edmonton.
Well, I certainly never anticipated I’d be writing a blog on how to isolate your new plants, but here we are! Gone are the days of purchasing pre-loved plants off of Kijiji or Facebook Marketplace,
Bringing potted plants indoors for winter is often a necessity in Edmonton, because sometimes our more tender perennials can’t quite handle our cold Canadian weather. It’s also worth doing if you’ve got some annuals and
Over the winter, most plants go into a dormant stage, kind of like hibernation, and the care requirements can change quite a bit””especially if you’re bringing outdoor plants indoors. You’ll also need to shift gears
Once harvest season rolls around, those of us with apple trees are always scrambling to find creative recipe ideas. One can only eat so many pies, tarts, and crumbles””as delicious as they are, you don’t
Tomato plants are a super worthwhile gardening project because the amount of harvestable food you get from them is staggering! However, some varieties are a little trickier to grow than others, but the extra effort
We’re always so eager to roll out our hanging baskets for spring and summer””they’re the perfect way to fill your yard or patio with vibrant plants and flowers, even if you don’t have a ton
If you’ve never considered growing chicory root before, I highly recommend it, because this cold-hardy plant has incredible anti-inflammatory properties! There are a lot of creative ways to consume it, most notably as a coffee
Whether you’re a diehard minimalist who’s considering making room for some plants in the house, or if you’re a recovering packrat desperately trying to Marie Kondo the crap out of your living space, this minimalism
Think debugging your houseplants is strictly a summer task? Sorry to break it to you, pal, but those ruthless plant pests are just as likely to set up camp in your houseplant collection over the
Read through our Growing Guides for tips to enrich your garden!
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