
Growing 101

Tag: Seasonal Affective Disorder

benefits of workshops

Benefits of Workshops, Beyond the Obvious

I realize the idea of playing with dirt doesn’t sound too appealing. The last time I made a mud patty was close to 30 years ago, when playing outside in the mud was highly encouraged. Most likely my mom’s desperate idea to get us out of her hair, and mud is a pretty safe toy.

Nonetheless, our workshops are so much more than a play date at the dirt pile. The physical act of working with your hands, being creative and gathering socially with like-minded folk is better than any therapist session, in my opinion.

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Plant Therapy and Seasonal Affective Disorder

Winter. There’s a reason why folks call it bleak. Despite all the holiday festivities and winter activities, winter can actually induce depression in around 2 million Canadians every year! In fact, 10% of all depression cases are attributed to Seasonal Affective Disorder, or S.A.D. So with stats like that, what are we poor Canucks to do?

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Boston Fern Hanging Basket Salisbury Greenhouse St. Albert Sherwood Park Edmonton

Fighting Depression with Plants

Fighting Depression with Plants by Rob Sproule The Winter Blues Plants and Mood Indoor Lighting We’ve so surrounded and saturated ourselves with technology that it’s a humbling reminder how much our moods depend on a

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