
How to Include Houseplants in Your Spring Cleaning


Salisbury Greenhouse -Spring Clean Your Houseplants

Spring is drawing near, and it’s almost time for a post-winter clean-up! Your houseplants deserve some love, too, as the seasons change and
they get ready for a growth spurt this summer. Of course, we know you are taking excellent care of your plants all year long. Still, a dedicated spring cleaning is excellent for reorganizing, taking inventory, and assessing which plants you need to repot. Here are some things you can do for an easy-breezy houseplant spring cleaning.


Take Inventory of All Your Plants

Adding new plants to your home throughout the year often results in plants getting added haphazardly on whatever empty shelf space is available or tucked in alongside a larger plant. Take spring cleaning as your opportunity to reassess what you have in your home and make sure that each plant is in a good location based on its light requirements. You can also group plants that like humid conditions to create a little bubble of humidity together.  

Keep in mind that as spring turns to summer, the sun will be more intense near the windows. Move plants that need to be close to a window in the winter but will get scorched in the summer sunlight further away.


Salisbury Greenhouse -Spring Clean Your Houseplants-pomegranate mimosas

Give Each Houseplant a Spring Checkup

Before your plants come out of their dormant period for the season and get ready to grow in that spring and summer sunlight, it’s a good idea to check on their health! Check each plant for disease or pests, and prune any dead matter on your plant. You’ll also want to check for any pests that happened to find their way in, especially if you introduced new plants over the winter.  

Make sure your plants are still in appropriately sized containers. If their roots are growing out of the drainage holes, the plant is starting to lift out of the pot, it needs more water than usual, or it is growing slower than usual, it’s time to give it a new home with more space! Some plants also do well with a fresh pot of soil every couple of years, even if the container size is still appropriate. Repotting is best done in the spring so that your plant can establish over the growing season.


Salisbury Greenhouse -Spring Clean Your Houseplants-wiping rubber tree leaves

Give Your Plants a Good Cleaning

Your plants need a bath, too! Dust and dirt buildup can reduce the amount of sunlight that gets through to the plant and reduce the vibrant colours of the foliage. However, not all plants need a wet bath.

A damp cloth with a bit of dish soap will do the trick for large plants with waxy leaves. Waxy-leaf vines, carefully run under the tap and pat dry to prevent rot or spots. For plants with fuzzy leaves, brush off the dirt with a gentle touch or soft brush. Use compressed air to blow out any debris or dirt stuck between the needles in your cacti.  

Cleaning your plants is something you can add to your weekly routine, but it’s a good idea to do a thorough cleaning in the spring anyways! Be sure to give your containers a good clean, too, including pebble trays and supporting stakes.


Salisbury Greenhouse -Spring Clean Your Houseplants-organized houseplants on bench

Organize Your Houseplant Supplies and Accessories

Take some time to assess whether a new plant stand or macramé hanger is in order! All those new plants you bought over the year might need a nice place to sit and soak up the sun.  

If you want to make your plant care supplies look presentable in your space, consider transferring your fertilizers to a reusable container that matches your décor or getting a pretty basket to store your tools. If you prefer to keep your supplies tucked away, take inventory of what you have on hand and add any supplies you’re missing for spring to your shopping list.  

Congratulations, your houseplant spring cleaning is complete! With regular upkeep through the year, this will take no time at all, but it’s a great idea to give each plant some attention and love before they work hard growing all summer long. If you need any advice about plant care and cleaning for the spring, feel free to stop by Salisbury Greenhouse. We would be happy to help you!

Houseplant Makeover

Houseplants in need of some TLC?
Salisbury at Enjoy offers professional inspection and repotting services for your houseplants.


Read through our Growing Guides for tips to enrich your garden! 

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