Mental Wellness with Plants Series: Easy Plants that Forgive Your Bad Days - Salisbury Greenhouse - Blog

Mental Wellness with Plants Series: Easy Plants that Forgive Your Bad Days


Let’s face it””sometimes we get tired and don’t want to get out of bed. We all get bad days, sick days, or days when everyone else can just leave us alone. Thankfully, there are houseplants that are quite tolerant of our bad days””and while they won’t go out of their way to do the laundry or cook the food, they will at least have the courtesy of staying alive until you’re ready to get going again.

If you’re a beginner to houseplants or just looking to find some new additions that require minimal care to stay happy, we can steer you in the right direction!



Long considered tokens of good luck, Jades are minimal care plants that will tolerate periods without watering. Their oval-shaped leaves add a softer touch to the home compared to some of their harsher, spiky succulent counterparts and are great for aiding in air purification as well!  



This is such a broad category of plants, with many varieties out there to choose from! The ones we like best are not just easy to keep around; they also rank high on houseplant popularity lists for their awesome approach to air purification.  


Salisbury Greenhouse-Alberta-Easy Houseplants that Forgive Your Bad Days-assorted cactiCacti

Undoubtedly one of the most trending plants to rush out and buy, Cacti are amazing to have in your home. You can find several shapes and sizes, and their strange architectural appearances make them funky to have in any decor.  


Aloe Vera

Another minimal-care plant, Aloe Vera, holds a ton of water in its long, spiky leaves. Because of this survival tactic, it’s ok if you forget to water once and a while. Being drought-tolerant means it can survive long periods of time in hot, arid conditions. Aloe is also hailed as a healing plant, and many people use the gel inside the leaves to calm minor scrapes and burns. As long as you give this super plant bright, but indirect light, you can get away with watering every 2-3 weeks.  


Salisbury Greenhouse-Alberta-Easy Houseplants that Forgive Your Bad Days-snake plants
Snake Plants

These tropical succulents also sit on top as a favourite household plant, and require minimal care. Their tall, pointy leaves add amazing architectural interest to any room and, like all succulents, release oxygen day and night. Sansevierias are considered one of the hardiest houseplants you can get and can survive lower-light conditions. As with all succulents, be sure to let these beauties dry out a bit before watering again.  


Other Minimal Care Plants to Try

If you’re looking for more variety in plants that require minimal care, here are a few more easy-care favourites to look for:


ZZ Plant

The Zamioculcas zamiifolia is often called the pinnacle plant of low-maintenance and is one we really recommend you try if you’re prone to neglecting your green beauties! Hailing from Africa, these slow-to-grow plants store water in bulb-like rhizomes during drier periods. The ZZ plant has oval-shaped leaves with a high-gloss appearance, making them versatile plants for any home decor.  


Salisbury Greenhouse-Alberta-Easy Houseplants that Forgive Your Bad Days-types of pothosPothos

Called Devil’s Ivy because of its seemingly-determined plan to resist death, this could be the perfect plant for you if you’re in the habit of killing off plants. A beautiful, leafy minimal-care plant that just won’t die! Pothos will tolerate bright, indirect light as well as lower-light conditions. You can find this plant in a variety of colours and variations.  


Spider Plant

These are great starter plants that don’t expect much from a relationship from you. They will be quite happy in a hanging basket in front of a window and watered once a week. Spider plants love the humidity, so a perfect spot for them is near a sunny window in a steamy bathroom. As long as they have access to some sunlight, they’re relatively tolerant to many conditions.



A stunning minimal-care plant with large, heart-shaped leaves. The philodendron always makes the list of easy-to-care-for houseplants. They can tolerate lower-light conditions and enjoy a good drying out in between soaks. This plant has hundreds of varieties, so you’re sure to find one that fits your style!


We have a great selection of minimal-care plants at Salisbury Greenhouse in Sherwood Park and St. Albert, so stop by to get some more recommendations and stock up on those perfectly forgiving houseplants today!


Houseplant Makeover

Houseplants in need of some TLC?
Salisbury at Enjoy offers professional inspection and repotting services for your houseplants.


Read through our Growing Guides for tips to enrich your garden! 

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