Beacons of Spring: Planting Tulips in Alberta
Beacons of Spring: Planting Tulips in Alberta by Rob Sproule On April 17, 1945, a young Private named Fred Sproule walked into Apeldoorn, Holland after a bitter week of fighting to liberate it. He
Growing 101
Beacons of Spring: Planting Tulips in Alberta by Rob Sproule On April 17, 1945, a young Private named Fred Sproule walked into Apeldoorn, Holland after a bitter week of fighting to liberate it. He
Drought Gardening by Rob Sproule Drought is a sword of Damocles on the Prairies, ever threatening to swoop in and turn our lawns to burnt straw and our gardens crispy brown. When drought happens,
Japanese Knotweed by Rob Sproule I don’t like scary Journalism. If I see a news report that tells me to stay tuned to find out what common household product might kill me, I change
What’s Happening to my Tomatoes? by Rob Sproule We’ve all been there. Your tomato plants are growing just as they should and you begin to have visions of juicy salads, delicious salsa and beefy
The Magic of Peonies by Rob Sproule “A rose is a rose, but a peony is a friend forever.” – Anonymous Loving the spotlight, peonies’ broad blooms announce themselves in our yards every June
Blueberries 101 by Rob Sproule With it’s recent rockstar, superfood status, it’s easy to see why so many people are asking about how to grow blueberries. When asked, I’m used to getting a double-take when
Seed Bombs by Rob Sproule Seed bombs, also called Green Grenades, are pretty much the coolest thing I’ve ever seen. They’re the artillery of guerrilla gardening, projectiles that throw seedy shrapnel across vacant lots and
The “Fixers” Plants that Fertilize Themselves by Rob Sproule As much as I love science, sometimes the definitions leave me scratching my head. The majority of people tune out at terms like “nitrogen-fixation”, assuming
Early Spring Lawn Care by Rob Sproule Lawns make up the majority of most of our yards. Even though more people are replacing lawns with perennials beds and edible gardens, turf care is still
Seeding for Dummies by Rob Sproule My business-owner friends like to say “win-win” when they know something is going to work so well that it’s a “no-brainer”. Planting seeds is a win-win. It
Hydrangeas 101 by Rob Sproule Adored in gardens for their immense, vibrant flowers, hydrangea are one of Canada’s favourite shrubs. The world’s most “googled” plant, they are as mysterious as they are adored, with
Thorny Business: The Cactus by Rob Sproule Masters of Evolution Cactus as Houseplants To Water or Not to Water I have a confession to make. Plant geek though I am, the cactus world baffles me.
Houseplants for Dummies by Rob Sproule Spider Plant Mass Cane Orchids Houseplants are as gorgeous as they are intimidating. They clean the air, lower blood pressure, and often terrify us that we’re going to kill
Gardening in the Heat by Rob Sproule When the summer mercury rises, it’s not just humans and pets who get uncomfortable. Heat waves bring a lot of stress to gardens, but there are easy
Planting a Hanging Basket by Rob Sproule Hanging baskets are one of summer’s most colourful delights! They’re fun to make and add an easy blast of colour to the yard. A lot of
Pansies Folklore & Care by Rob Sproule A lot of people ask me what the difference is between Pansies and Violas. While the technical answer involves their number of petals and which direction they point,
Succulents by Rob Sproule It wasn’t long ago that the only succulents you’d find on Canadian window-sills were Aloe Vera, Jade plants, and a bristly prickly cactus or two (yep, cactus are succulents, too).
Caring for your Bromeliad by Rob Sproule Even if you don’t know the term ‘bromeliad’, you’ll know the plant. We’ve all seen the glossy, strappy leafed plant with its neon inflorescence towering from
Your Pruning Calendar By: Rob Sproule Fall Pruning Late Winter Spring Here’s a cheat-sheet on when to prune your trees and shrubs to keep them healthy for decades to come. Fall Pruning: With exposed branches
Apples, Apples, Everywhere by Rob Sproule September on the prairies means never-ending blue skies, the smell of threshed wheat, and trees laden with more apples than many home-owners know what to do with. Drive
Tree Planting 101 by Rob Sproule It’s easy to see planting a new tree in the yard as a chore, but I think of it as creating a small piece of living legacy. This tree
Bonsai Basics By Rob Sproule We proudly stock Miami Tropical Bonsai Trees, one of the largest growers and importers in the United States. Basic Care Best Types Water & Humidity Light & Fertilizer I’m not
Late Summer Garden Care by Rob Sproule Replace Tired Plants Give Existing Annuals some Maintenance Plant Fresh Vegetables It’s a sobering fact that, with our short seasons, Alberta gardens tend to peak at the end
Roses: Tougher than the Tea by Rob Sproule What’s the first thing that pops into your head when I say “rose”? I’m guessing it had something to do with red roses on Valentines’ Day
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