Kids are curious folk, and nothing blows their mind quite like scientific discovery. While the graphics and flashy entertainment of electronic devices may keep them entertained for hours, it’s a little bit soul-crushing watching kids stare into a screen all day. Change up their routine and encourage them to learn about science and nature in the best way possible: by diving right in and creating their own plant collection. You’ll be amazed by how quickly your budding botanist starts to absorb random gardening facts and complicated Latin plant names.

Cool Plants for Kids to Grow Indoors
Caring for houseplants can be a surprisingly rewarding activity for kids. They love having a sense of ownership and pride for the things they’ve created. Assembling an indoor plant display is a great way to achieve this, while also providing them with a valuable learning experience. Here are some cool and unusual plants that will have your kids captivated:

Sensitive Plant (Mimosa Pudica): Also known as the shameplant, this funky fern is a guaranteed favourite among children! As the name suggests, this plant is sensitive to touch, so if you gently stroke its leaves, they’ll fold up and close temporarily and its tiny branches will droop. Slowly, they’ll reopen and perk back up again, so you can bet your kids will be running back and forth to check on their plant and see if it’s ready to curl up all over again.
Venus Flytrap (Dionaea muscipula): These wacky carnivorous plants look like something out of a sci-fi movie! Your kids will be in hysterics when they poke their flytrap’s mouth, causing it to snap shut (don’t worry, it won’t hurt them at all). Send your kid out with a fly swatter and see if they can collect a meal for their little plant. Pop it in the flytrap with a set of tweezers and watch in amazement as it slowly digests the bug over the course of a few days.
Aloe Vera: These spiky succulents look pretty cool and they aren’t sharp like a cactus so you don’t have to worry about anyone getting their finger pricked. If your kids happen to spend a little too much time in the sun and start looking a little rosy, get them to crack off one of the leaves and squeeze out the jelly, rubbing it on to help soothe their sunburn.

Interesting Plants for Your Children’s Garden
An outdoor kids’ garden is a great way to get your kids off the couch and into nature, providing them with a stimulating environment to learn and play. Here’s a list of some unique plants that are sure to be winners in your children’s garden:

Snapdragons (Antirrhinum): These peculiar blossoms really do look like dragons, so don’t be surprised if your kid plucks one from the garden and plays with it like a puppet. Their bright colours and fragrant scent are sure to attract butterflies, bumblebees and hummingbirds, so your kids will be delighted when these winged garden dwellers stop by for a visit.
Sunflowers (Helianthus annuus): These bright, yellow blooms grow tall pretty fast, so they’re ideal for young ones who aren’t exactly patient. The day their flower surpasses their own height is definitely worthy of a photo op. Buy one of the varieties with edible seeds so you can roast them and snack on them later in the season!
Pumpkins (Cucurbita): This is another kid-favourite that has a big payoff. Watching your pumpkins get bigger and bigger with each passing week will be loads of fun, and their tough exterior means they won’t take too much wear and tear if your kiddos are a bit rambunctious. At the end of the season, harvest these bad boys and carve them up for Halloween jack-o-lanterns or bake them into some tasty pumpkin pies and tarts!
Sure, video games are cool and all, but let’s face it: nothing beats real-life adventures and exploration. A summer full of garden fun will keep your kids busy, entertained, and learning more each day. Plus, it’s way better for their physical and mental health””in fact, time spent outdoors in the garden has been shown to improve mental focus, leading to happier school days and better grades. So shut off the Wi-Fi and get your kids started on their own personal gardening project today! You’ll be glad you did.