Mental Wellness with Plants Series: Growing Cannabis for Relaxation - Salisbury Greenhouse - Blog

Mental Wellness with Plants Series: Growing Cannabis for Relaxation

Salisbury Greenhouse-Alberta-Growing Cannabis for Relaxation-young bud on cannabis plant


Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve likely heard all the hoopla surrounding cannabis and CBD these days. It’s been all over the news, magazines, social media, popular culture, and pretty much everywhere else you can think of. If you’re wanting to see what all the fuss is about, here are some things to know before you embark on your cannabis-growing journey in search of rest and relaxation.  


Why Use Cannabis?

For thousands of years, humans have used many varieties of plants for their healing properties. Cannabis is one such plant that people have been growing for thousands of years thanks to its many medicinal benefits. What sets cannabis apart from other medicinal plants, however, is the attention it’s received from the scientific community, who have researched its effects extensively. Thanks to this research, there is now a mountain of evidence showing that ingesting or smoking the right dosage and strain of cannabis can reduce anxiety, improve mood, and promote a restful night’s sleep.  

Cannabis, or marijuana, refers to any product derived from the Cannabis sativa plant. Cannabis contains about 540 chemical substances; however, the ones people are most familiar with are the Cannabinoids THC and CBD: THC mainly impacts users’ mental states when consumed and is the compound responsible for the sensation of being “high.” CBD, on the other hand, has no psychoactive effects on users and is promoted for its relaxation effects and ability to reduce pain and inflammation in muscles and joints. Both of these compounds are commonly used to treat chronic health issues, including:

  • Pain
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • Glaucoma
  • Depression
  • Irritable bowel disorder
  • Migraines
  • Inflammation
  • Epilepsy


THC and CBD are also excellent for stimulating appetite and continue to be used in treatment plans for those suffering from severe illnesses, like cancer, that deplete the desire to eat.    


Salisbury Greenhouse-Alberta-Growing Cannabis for Relaxation-trimming cannabis
Growing Cannabis for Relaxation

Growing your own supply of cannabis gives you control over how your plants are grown and how your cannabis products are produced. So, if you’ve done your research and want to give cannabis a try, growing your own plants is a great way to do so confidently. Even better, it’s also fairly simple to get started!  

Growing cannabis can get a little tricky if you’re a beginner, as these plants have unique light, temperature, air, and water requirements. If you want to start growing cannabis discreetly, young plants grow well indoors, where you can easily control and conceal their growing environment. Just make sure you invest in the right pots, containers, and grow lights, if needed. Also, consider the temperature and humidity needs of your cannabis plants, and grow them in areas of your home where it will be easy to provide both, especially when they’re starting out as seeds.


Salisbury Greenhouse-Alberta-Growing Cannabis for Relaxation-relaxing on couch
Strains You Want for Relaxation

If you’re looking for the ultimate way to relax, try growing cannabis strains with high CBD content. Several strains have lower THC, making it easy to enjoy your rest and relaxation without feeling too buzzy or “high.” Here are a few of our recommendations:

  • Ringo’s Gift: One of the most popular strains, you’re looking at a ratio of about 24:1 CBD to THC.
  • ACDC: Another strain to consider when growing cannabis, with a ratio of 20:1 CBD to THC.  
  • Charlotte’s Web: Probably one of the best-known strains, this one has little to no THC and a CBD range of about 14.  
  • Harlequin: If you’re growing cannabis for daily use, try this popular strain with a 5:2 CBD to THC split.  


If you’re growing cannabis but don’t like the idea of smoking, there are other great ways to consume it. Try chocolates or gummies infused with your favourite strain, or add it to baked goods using infused cannabis butter. Topical oils, lotions, and bath bombs are also very effective at providing quick pain relief from sore, tired muscles, and are a great way to use up excess leaves and flowers from your plants.


Salisbury Greenhouse-Alberta-Growing Cannabis for Relaxation-cannabis under grow light

We at Salisbury Greenhouse are not doctors! We advise you to speak to your health practitioner before ingesting anything”“cannabis or otherwise”“for medicinal use. We are, however, amazing gardeners, so if you’re hoping to start growing cannabis in the Edmonton area, come visit the greenhouse for more tips on getting started!


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