A Guide to Growing Chinese Evergreens - Salisbury Greenhouse - Blog

A Guide to Growing Chinese Evergreens


Salisbury Greenhouse - A Guide to Growing Chinese Evergreens


Adding Chinese evergreens to your houseplant collection can bring peace, beauty, and maybe even a little luck! Our Chinese evergreen growing guide will help you care for, and enjoy this delightful plant in your home.


All About Chinese Evergreens  

Hailing from Southeast Asia, Chinese evergreens, also known as Aglaonema, are adored globally for their beauty and symbolism of prosperity and good fortune. They grow naturally in warm, humid climates and are praised in traditional Feng Shui for bringing balance and harmony into a room. Chinese evergreens are also said to clear away stress, but we think that applies to all houseplants!


Salisbury Greenhouse - A Guide to Growing Chinese Evergreens-aglaonema foliage and colours

How Much Light Do Chinese Evergreens Need?

The type of light you need while growing Chinese evergreens depends on which variety of plant you have. In general, Chinese evergreens need medium to low light to grow. Check the leaves for a cheat sheet for light needs: the darker the leaves, the less light they need. The variegated varieties with brighter leaves will need more light to maintain their vibrancy, colour, and health. Chinese evergreens are great for growing in your home office as they can thrive even in fluorescent lighting. Just be sure they are not exposed to direct sun, which will burn their sensitive leaves.


What Kind of Soil Do Chinese Evergreens Need?    

When growing Chinese evergreens, you’ll need a potting mix that is well-draining. If the soil you have isn’t drying out or the stems of your plant are turning yellow or brown, you’ll need to take action to prevent any root rot. Mix in some perlite or sand to help the draining process. Chinese evergreens grow slowly, so you won’t have to repot them too frequently.


Salisbury Greenhouse - A Guide to Growing Chinese Evergreens-watering aglaonema plants

How Often Should I Water My Chinese Evergreen?

Watering your growing Chinese evergreen is pretty much the same as most tropical houseplants. Keep them moist, but don’t let them become waterlogged. Regularly check the top two inches of soil: if it’s dry, it’s time to give them a nice, thorough watering. Water them slowly until the water drains out of the bottom (and make sure not to let it sit in that water!)  


How to Fertilize Chinese Evergreens    

Mark your calendar for bi-annual fertilizing. Fertilize your Chinese evergreen once in spring and once more in summer. Use an all-purpose 20-20-20 fertilizer for best results. It’s as easy as that!


Where to Place Chinese Evergreens in Your Home

Since Chinese evergreens are a tropical plant, you want to try your best to recreate that jungle climate. This means making sure your home temperature never drops below 18 Celsius, and definitely avoid any cold drafts. Crank up the humidity if possible as well. If you can, keep them in a high-humidity location like your bathroom or kitchen. If that doesn’t work, put the pot in a shallow tray with water and pebbles. You can also place them near other plants to increase humidity.


Salisbury Greenhouse - A Guide to Growing Chinese Evergreens-pruning off yellow leaf aglaonema

Troubleshooting Issues With Your Chinese Evergreen

Growing Chinese evergreens in our Alberta climate has many of the same challenges as any tropical houseplant. Keep an eye out for these warning signs that may be a cue to step in.  

  • Stems browning or yellowing: This is a clear indicator of root rot. Chinese evergreens are susceptible to overwatering. To resolve this issue, you’ll need to repot it. As you repot it, make sure you check over the roots and remove any yellow or mushy unhealthy roots. Re-plant in fresh, well-draining soil.
  • Crispy yellow leaves: This is an indicator that your plant needs more water.  
  • Drooping leaves: If the lower leaves are drooping, that’s normal, and you can just prune them away. If the upper leaves are drooping, that is either a sign that it needs a good watering, or it may need a bit more light.    
  • Curling leaves: Reassess your lighting situation! Your Chinese evergreen is growing in conditions that are too bright for it.
  • Yellow and brown leaves: This is a sign of too much water. The cause may be compacted or poorly draining soil. It could also be a sign of insufficient light, since a plant without enough light cannot use up the water it receives.  


If you want more plant-care tips or you’re looking for Chinese evergreens for sale, come visit us! At Salisbury Greenhouse, we’re always here for you and your plant needs.

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