The 5 Trendiest Houseplants You Need To Get - Salisbury Greenhouse - Blog

The 5 Trendiest Houseplants You Need To Get

5 trendy houseplants main salisbury sherwood park

Houseplants are like living art for our homes, and a well-curated collection will totally transform your space, giving it a cool, modern vibe. Choosing trendy and visually attractive houseplants instead of dollar store vinyl plants is like the difference between a limited edition art piece from NYC, and a Live Laugh Love wall decal from an Avon catalogue. The good news is, cool houseplants are way cheaper than art prints, so you can flex your design skills and excellent taste without having to break the bank!  

5 Trendy Houseplants That Add Style To Your Home

If you want to raise the cool factor in your home by a few decimal points, then opt for some of these extraordinary houseplants that are sure to be a conversation piece. But like, the good kind of conversation piece””not like that “art print” your cousin bought at Comic Con featuring Chewbacca in a bikini. Nobody needs that.  

5 trendy houseplants variegated pothos

Variegated Pothos

Now, the pothos certainly won’t seem like a new, up-and-coming plant on the scene, but hear us out: the variegated varieties are so gorgeous, and they have some major visual impact! The leaves are striped and splattered with colour, like the golden pothos, which has streaks of creamy yellow, or the manjula pothos, which has swirls of white, grey, and light green. Every little leaf is like a Jackson Pollock painting!  

Variegated pothos are also quite budget-friendly, so if you’ve been fawning over that variegated split leaf philodendron with the shockingly high price tag, try a pothos instead! You’ll love its trailing habit and heart-shaped leaves””perfect for placing on a small floating shelf amidst a collection of prints and paintings on your gallery wall!  

5 trendy houseplants peperomia


I’m always tempted to call this one Pepperonia, because its little round leaves totally look like slices of pepperoni. But, instead of belonging on a pizza, these gorgeous plants can brighten up every corner of your home, in painted decorative pots and hanging baskets. There are plenty of different peperomia varieties to choose from, with interesting colours and patterns on their leaves. Some have light green stripes like a watermelon, others have ruby tinted edges, and some are just the perfect shade of glossy emerald green.  

Peperomia is a pretty low-maintenance houseplant too, so if you’re a beginner, this is a great option. It does best in partial or bright sunlight, and doesn’t need to be watered excessively. Allow the soil to drain out between watering, and make sure there’s some good drainage holes in the pot so it doesn’t get soggy roots.  

5 trendy houseplants croton


The neon colours of this ultra-vibrant houseplant never fail to amaze! While the most common varieties have that classic traffic light colour palette of red, yellow and green, there are also some other neat varieties like the gold dust croton, which appears to be coated with droplets of liquid gold. They can grow quite big under the right conditions, so if you give it a big enough pot to spread out, you could end up with a plant that’s 10 feet tall. Talk about a statement piece! I’d pick this beauty over an exorbitantly priced sculpture any day.  

To keep your croton looking its best, you’ll want to wipe the leaves off with a damp cloth every few weeks. They tend to collect dust like a magnet, so this will help keep your plant clean and healthy. Crotons like humidity, so it helps to have a humidifier during the dry winter months, but you can also just place your plant pot on a tray full of pebbles and water, or spritz it regularly with a mister.

5 trendy houseplants dwarf lemon tree

Dwarf Lemon Tree

Not only are miniature lemon trees downright adorable, but they grow actual lemons we can use for drinks and snacks! Plus, the lemon-print motif is trending big time in the fashion and decor world, so instead of grabbing a citrus inspired throw pillow or afghan, why not get an actual real-life lemon tree? The real thing is just so much more satisfying.

Meyer lemon trees are especially popular, and can start producing fruit in 2″“3 years. They’re a little sweeter than your typical store-bought lemon, with an almost orangey flavour about them. Other varieties, like the variegated pink lemon tree, are especially gorgeous, with both leaves and fruit in that swoon-worthy bicolored pattern, swirled with green and butter yellow, and a bright pink fruit flesh.

5 trendy houseplants oxalis triangularis

Oxalis Triangularis

If you wanna shake things up a bit and want some colour contrast from the typical greens, yellows and whites, pick up an oxalis triangularis, otherwise known as the false shamrock. As you might have guessed from the name, the leaves are shaped like triangles, but they’ll definitely colour you impressed with their rich violet tone. They also produce cute little lavender flowers, so if you’re into purple, this houseplant definitely won’t disappoint.  

With the right care, your oxalis could live to be over 100 years old, so you might end up passing this artsy heirloom down through a few generations! You’ll love watching the way its leaves slowly move, opening up in response to sunlight, and closing back up as the sun goes down. Now, every few years, your oxalis will go into dormancy and trick you into thinking it’s dead, but don’t fret! Temporarily stop watering, and in a couple weeks you’ll see some new growth start to appear.  

Ready to give your living space an updated look? These houseplants are truly modern masterpieces of nature, bringing that artistic flair and a cool, cultured vibe that says “Yeah, I totally hang out at gallery openings to enjoy the art. I’m not just there for the free box wine.” Grab some from a Salisbury garden centre in St. Albert of Sherwood Park today, or shop online to have them delivered right to your door!

Houseplant Makeover

Houseplants in need of some TLC?
Salisbury at Enjoy offers professional inspection and repotting services for your houseplants.


Read through our Growing Guides for tips to enrich your garden! 

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