
Growing 101

Tag: Perennials

How Smoke Affects Your Garden salisbury greenhouse sherwood park st. albert

How Wildfire Smoke Affects Your Garden

We started July off with a bang. More like a volcanic explosion where the searing heatwave felt like burning embers embedded into our skin. What naturally follows an unprecedented heatwave? Wildfires. As the wildfire smoke

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Poisonous Perennials

Poisonous Perennials

Poisonous Perennials By Rob Sproule A vibrant, blooming perennial bed is one of the hallmarks of a gorgeous garden (and a savvy, dedicated gardener). But we forget that behind the aesthetics of perennials lie separately

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3 Split image of Various perennials | Sherwood Park, St. Albert

Perennial Blooming Calendar

Perennial Blooming Calendar by Rob Sproule Every perennial has its season, and whether it be an iris, rose or mum, the goal of planning a bed or border is to make sure something is always

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