
Growing 101

Tag: pruning

Cut And Come Again

Cut And Come Again by Rob Sproule How we grow food is changing. The traditional method of planting long rows and waiting, weeding and waiting and weeding, then harvesting once they mature, is optional now.

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Pruning in April

Pruning in April By Rob Sproule April is the gardeners’ pacing month. The snow has melted, the sun warms us and the brown, bare garden taunts us. When it’s too warm to be inside but

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Shears on open bark | Salisbury Greenhouse - St. Albert, Sherwood Park

Your Pruning Calendar

Your Pruning Calendar By: Rob Sproule Fall Pruning Late Winter Spring Here’s a cheat-sheet on when to prune your trees and shrubs to keep them healthy for decades to come. Fall Pruning: With exposed branches

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