
Growing 101

Tag: Bees

Best Perennials for Pollinators

Best Perennials for Pollinators By Rob Sproule Salvia Monarda (Bee Balm) Thyme Hollyhocks “The hum of bees is the voice of the garden.” – Elizabeth Lawrence We all love bees, but getting them into your

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Mason Bees 101

Mason Bees 101 By Rob Sproule The Buzz about the Bee Do They Sting? How Much do They Pollinate? Housing Them “The men of experiment are like the ant; they only collect and use. But

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The “Other” Pollinators

The “Other” Pollinators   By: Rob Sproule Hoverflies Butterflies Other Bees We’ve heard about the honeybees. But what about the other garden superstars giving us apples and strawberries and cucumbers? It’s easy to attract them

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Top 3 Gardening Trends Of 2016

Top 3 Gardening Trends For 2016

  Top 3 Gardening Trends For 2016 by Rob Sproule Gardening is self expression. It moves through trends like any creative paradigm, simultaneously a reflection of what’s happening in society and what’s happening inside the

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3 Image split of bees | Salisbury Greenhouse - St. Albert, Sherwood Park

Not All Bees Are Scary

Not All Bees are Scary by Rob Sproule I’m writing this article because it drives me crazy when people ask me how to kill the bees in their yard, assuming that all bees, wasps and

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Wasp on flower | Salisbury Greenhouse - St. Albert, Sherwood Park


Wasps by Rob Sproule   Few bugs are as universally unwelcome as wasps.   As usual, however, before I tell you how to get rid of them, I’m going to tell you how fascinating they

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Bee sitting on a white flower | Salisbury Greenhouse - St. Albert, Sherwood Park

What is Killing Our Bees

What is Killing Our Bees by Rob Sproule It’s impossibly to overstate how extraordinary bees are or how vital they are to our future as a species.   Worldwide, about 200,000 species of bees pollinate

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Bee on Rose | Salisbury Greenhouse - St Albert, Sherwood Park

Attracting Bees

Give our Bees a Break by Rob Sproule   When I was young the sound of a still, sunny, summer day in the garden was the intoxicating buzz of bees, dancing among the flowers on

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