
Growing 101

Author: Trish Pick

The Art of Kokedama

The Art of Kokedama By Rob Sproule Wabi Sabi The Basics What You’ll Need Assembling It Basic Care “There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.” – Leonard Cohen Kokedama is

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Tillandsia Xerographica

Tillandsia Xerographica By Rob Sproule The Xero Basic Care Designing “All we need, really, is a change from a near frigid to a tropical attitude of mind.” – Marjory Stoneman Douglas Let’s start with some

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Best Herbs for the Turkey

Best Herbs for the Turkey By Rob Sproule Fresh is Best The Top Three There’s the Rub “Growing your own food is like printing your own money.” –   Ron Finley When winter descends and

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Grow Lights 101

Grow Lights 101 By Rob Sproule Bulbs What’s on the Menu Our tomato plants are frozen solid 🙁 but that doesn’t mean the end of home grown veggies! Let’s talk about how to ripen tomatoes

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Houseplants in the Winter

Houseplants in the Winter By Rob Sproule Less Light = Less Water Dry Air Beware the Draft “Say aloe to my little friend.” – Scarface? Less Light = Less Water: Feeling sluggish? Light levels plummet

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Types of Succulents

Types of Succulents By Rob Sproule A World of Succulents Aeoniums Aloes Crassula Haworthia Kalanchoe “The essence of the beautiful is unity in variety.” – Felix Mendelssohn A World of Succulents: Feeling overwhelmed in the

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African Violets

African Violets By Rob Sproule Where Do They Come From? African Violet Care 101 Watering & Fertilizing Getting Them to Flower Are African Violets Poisonous? “I perhaps owe having becoming a painter to flowers.” –

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Transplanting Your Succulent

Transplanting Your Succulent By Rob Sproule Transplanting Basics Succulent Soil The Operation Post-Op You’ve fallen in love and brought it home, but now what? Transplanting your succulent from the plastic pot you bought it in,

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5 Best Plants for the Office

5 Best Plants for the Office By Rob Sproule 1. Spider Plant 2. Succulents 3. Lemon Balm 4. Peace Lily 5. African Violet Office plants used to be considered a waste of productive space. Now

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Staghorn Fern Care

Staghorn Fern Care By Rob Sproule Where do They Come From? Caring for Staghorns Are They Poisonous to Cats? Admit it, the plant geek in you loves these things! But where do they come from,

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Succulent Pumpkin Planters

Succulent Pumpkin Planters By Rob Sproule My Method Prep the Pumpkin Prep the Succulents “There are three things I’ve learned never to discuss with people: religion, politics, and the Great Pumpkin.” – Linus Let’s face

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The Top 5 Trendiest Houseplants

The Top 5 Trendiest Houseplants By Rob Sproule Fiddle-Leaf Fig Snake Plant Air Plants Zebra Plant Boston Fern “You know you’re a grownup when all your houseplants are alive and you can’t smoke any of

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Evergreen Tree

The Hidden Benefits of Evergreens

The Hidden Benefits of Evergreens by Rob Sproule Energy Conservation Privacy Wildlife Air Quality They’re big. They’re foolproof. They kill the grass. But what else do you know about evergreens? How about that they can

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Landscaping Tips

New-Home Landscaping

New-Home Landscaping  by Rob Sproule for the Edmonton Journal Starting Out Landscaping Hardscaping Few feelings can match the euphoria of moving into a new home. Open, immaculate rooms and bare yards resonate with an intoxicating

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Growing Bugs Bunny Sized Carrots

Growing Bugs Bunny Sized Carrots

Growing Bugs Bunny Sized Carrots By Rob Sproule Growing Carrots Thinning Harvest & Store Easy to grow and full of goodness, the humble carrot has been a quiet staple of dinner our whole lives. Here

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Heat Waves

Heat Waves By Rob Sproule “¨When to Water, and When Not To Keeping Roots Cool Minimizing Heat Stress When a heat wave hits, it’s not just humans and pets who get uncomfortable. Prolonged high temperatures

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The Fake News on Earwigs

The Fake News on  Earwigs By Rob Sproule Earwigs & Fake News Spotting Them Controlling Them Protecting Your Home They look like tiny prehistoric nightmares with a stereotype to match. But as long as you

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The “Other” Pollinators

The “Other” Pollinators   By: Rob Sproule Hoverflies Butterflies Other Bees We’ve heard about the honeybees. But what about the other garden superstars giving us apples and strawberries and cucumbers? It’s easy to attract them

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Heavy Rain

Heavy Rain   By: Rob Sproule Assessing the Damage Rainy Seasons “The green reed that bends in the wind is stronger than the mighty oak that breaks in the storm.” – Confucius Weather happens. Our

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Read through our Growing Guides for tips to enrich your garden! 

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