
Growing 101

Author: Trish Pick

Building a Bee Hotel

Building a Bee Hotel by Rob Sproule While we all love honeybees, this article isn’t about them. Honeybees get the media buzz, installing a hive in our backyard isn’t the only thing we can do

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Gardening as an Antidepressant

Gardening As An Antidepressant by Rob Sproule If you’re reading this article, there’s a good chance that gardening makes you happy.  Growing plants is an uplifting, life-affirming contrast with our often frustratingly repetitive  daily routine.

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Top 3 New Annuals Of 2016

Top 3 New Annuals Of 2016 by Rob Sproule Gardening is as timeless as hobbies get. But while we’ve been growing daisies and pansies for  hundreds of years, and will be hundreds of years from

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Avoiding Potato Scab

Avoiding Potato Scab by Rob Sproule If you’ve ever grown an Alberta spud, you’ve probably encountered potato scab. As common as a cold, scab is a bacterial infection that results in nasty scabs across the

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Gardening With Succulents

Gardening With Succulents by Rob Sproule Have you noticed that Succulents are everywhere? From wedding magazines and home decorating magazines to sustainable gardening sites, they’ve become a versatile, alluring, easy-to-care-for wonder plant. Increasingly, savvy gardeners

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Men In The Garden

Men In The Garden by Rob Sproule As both a garden writer and a Garden Centre owner, I pay a lot of attention to who is gardening. Even as I write this, I know (sorry,

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Top 3 Gardening Trends Of 2016

Top 3 Gardening Trends For 2016

  Top 3 Gardening Trends For 2016 by Rob Sproule Gardening is self expression. It moves through trends like any creative paradigm, simultaneously a reflection of what’s happening in society and what’s happening inside the

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Cut And Come Again

Cut And Come Again by Rob Sproule How we grow food is changing. The traditional method of planting long rows and waiting, weeding and waiting and weeding, then harvesting once they mature, is optional now.

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Pruning in April

Pruning in April By Rob Sproule April is the gardeners’ pacing month. The snow has melted, the sun warms us and the brown, bare garden taunts us. When it’s too warm to be inside but

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Palm Leaves

A Short History of Palm Leaves

A Short History of Palm Leaves by Rob Sproule     Few plants are more recognizable than the mighty palm. They rise triumphant, heedless of what’s around them, confident in their thick trunked foundation. Humanity

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Epiphytes: Survival Ninjas

Epiphytes: Survival Ninjas by Rob Sproule In 2004 I spent a bewildering month submerged in the deep Choco rainforest, about 30km from the northern Ecuadorian coast. The Choco, cut off from the Amazon by the

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Early Spring Dreaming

March is here and spring fever has set in! It’s time to begin dreaming up our yards and planning our gardens. Looking for some inspiration? look no further.

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Letter to a Young Gardener

Letter to a Young Gardener by Rob Sproule   “There are no gardening mistakes, only experiments.” -Janet Kilburn Phillips This isn’t my usual column. You’ll find nothing here about killing aphids or the history of

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Secrets to Healthy Soil

Secrets to Healthy Soil (or – The Difference between Dirt and Soil) by Rob Sproule Dirt or Soil?   It’s an old joke in the greenhouse “˜biz’ that when someone says “dirt”, you correct them

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El Niño and your Garden

El Niño and your Garden by Rob Sproule   We’ve all heard about it. For a year the news has told us about a “blob” of warm water gathering in the central Pacific like an

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Houseplants For Refinery Row

  Houseplants For Refinery Row by Rob Sproule Canadians spend about 90% of our year indoors, with that number undoubtedly rising in the winter. When the mercury plunges, we close our windows and air re-circulates

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Alberta Lemons: A Starter’s Guide

Alberta Lemons: A Starter’s Guide By Rob Sproule Lemon trees are becoming a go-to houseplant as people discover their incredible scent, elegant foliage and that you really can grow real lemons. At the greenhouse, we

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Re-Imagining the Poinsettia

Re-Imagining Poinsettias by Rob Sproule Every December the world turns red. Everywhere we look it’s a cacophony of Christmas bows, lights, inflatable Santas and, of course, poinsettias on every shelf. The humble red flower plucked

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