Your Community - Salisbury Greenhouse





Learn about our community projects.

Enrichment Garden

Rob had the opportunity to work with the Edmonton Valley Zoo in helping them build an “Enrichment Garden” for the animals. It was during this experience that Rob fully understood how important interacting with plants can be for animals, not just people. Whether it’s wolves rubbing on lavender to mask their scent, tigers playing with pumpkins, or Lucy the Elephant satisfying her sweet tooth by eating stevia it was clear that these interactions aided in improving the physical and psychological well being of the animals.

School Gardens Project

Inspired by the natural curiosity of children when they interact with nature, Salisbury Greenhouse partnered with 14 schools in the Edmonton area to build each one their very own school yard garden. 

The goal of this project was to provide school children with a useful educational tool, while encouraging good nutritional habits and a love of gardening in the next generation of gardeners.

Partners In Parks

Partners in Parks is a beautification program that helps residents in St. Albert enhance and preserve their local green space. This program is part of Spruce Up St. Albert, which helps to clean up and beautify the city. The initiative is to adopt a public space for
the season – the trail behind a house, a cul-de-sac, or a local park or playground. To keep the area looking beautiful all season long, the City of St. Albert offers the supplies and support to help the partners take care of the area, whether it’s picking up litter, weeding, watering, planting, or mowing the lawn.
Salisbury at Enjoy is proud to partner with Partners in Parks and offer an instructional video and planting tips. Rob Sproule graciously provided the Partners in the Parks program a video demonstration on some of the different plants, flowers, vegetables, and herbs that could be used around the public spaces to add some beautification. Rob shared his main tips and tricks for planting, when to plant, and how to care for your annuals or perennials all season long.

Salisbury at Enjoy plans to support the Partners in Parks programs for many years to come.

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