Houseplant Makeover
Houseplants in need of some TLC?
Salisbury offers professional inspection and
repotting services for your houseplants.
Salisbury offers professional inspection and
repotting services for your houseplants.
Houseplant Makeover
Houseplants in need of some TLC?
Salisbury offers professional inspection and
repotting services for your houseplants.
Salisbury offers professional inspection and
repotting services for your houseplants.

Sooner or later, replanting houseplants becomes necessary
Plants should be moved into larger containers as they grow. Unless more space is provided for the plant’s roots, they can become root-bound in the pot. That is, the roots of the plant become cramped and form a tightly packed mass that inhibits growth.
This service includes:
- A thorough checkup of the overall health of your plant
- Inspection of the root system
- Examination for pests and diseases
- Pruning or dividing if necessary
- Advice on caring for your plant
- Re-potting with high-quality potting soil
- FREE re-potting service with purchase of a décor pot from our greenhouse
- $2 per 2.5 cm of container diameter if you bring in your own pots
Things to note
- No drop-ins. Appointment required (see below)
- During the colder months, the plant MUST be wrapped in brown paper or cloth to be transported to the building – cold damage can take up to a week to show up, protect your plant from frost bite!
- Service does not include pickup or delivery of houseplants
- Distressed, diseased, or difficult plants will not be re-potted
- Cactus plants and orchids will be quoted

Houseplant Makeovers
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