Bob Salisbury

Bob Sproule

Co-Owner, “Big Guy”

If you ever have the pleasure of meeting Bob, you’ll learn that he genuinely cares about his community. The greenhouse has been a staple in Bob’s family and in Sherwood Park for 50 years. To Bob the garden centre is more than a business, it’s a place for family to come together, for relationships to be built, and for gardening passions to be nurtured. Bob is more than just a greenthumb, he’s also an electrician by trade, and both raises and trains Arabian horses. While Bob takes a small escape during the chilly season, you can rest assured that he will be back in action when gardening season is in full force.

Besides admiring the plants, I can be found at Salisbury…
Doing a lot of different tasks. As with all the partners we look after certain areas, and my area includes hard goods, tools, ordering and sourcing. I also visit trade shows to find the latest and greatest products. We source items from around the globe.

My Favourite plant is…

What I love most about gardening is…
I don’t garden much anymore, but when I prune and trim I enjoy the outdoors and the exercise. I get in lots of gardening at the greenhouse. Gardening season is when Salisbury is very busy so it leaves little time for gardening at home.

I grew up in… Sherwood Park and my fondest memories of there will always be… My parents boarding horses from the race track. As far back as I can remember I grew up around horses, taking care of them, and riding. We also had cows and would use the horses to bring the cattle to and from the pasture. Training horses is a lifelong passion and now I raise Arabian horses. I also enjoyed getting involved in the community, making friends, and being in business here. If I am not at the greenhouse, or on the farm, I am at home.

As a child, I dreamed of being a…
Like every kid, I dreamed of being something different. There wasn’t any one thing I had in mind. My father was a carpenter so I started off in construction after high school and later became an electrician by trade.

If I had no limitations, I would be working as…
Nothing else. I wouldn’t change a thing. People ask if I am retired and I don’t know what that means. I am doing everything I love doing and I get to do it when I want to. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere other than the greenhouse, my family is here. February is when I take time away, but then I always come back to pitch in during the busy season. There is no place else I would rather be than here.

Something you’d be surprised to learn about me is…
I like keeping fit and exercising but I am not a gym person. There has never been a year when I haven’t been on the back of a horse—I enjoy riding and training the horses. I enjoy being an electrician when I have the time, as well as building and renovating homes.

My favourite guilty pleasure, closet snack food is…
Pastries! Donuts or any other fresh pastry.

I love telling people that I’ve traveled to…
I’ve been lucky enough to travel a lot. I really enjoy traveling with my family since we’re all in business together—getting away together is a welcomed break. I want to be where I can enjoy the grandkids. Every place I’ve visited has its own special memory and I want to go back to everywhere I’ve visited again.

If I was a superhero my name would be…
I think I would be suited for Iron Man.

My all time favourite movie…
Depends on my mood. Some of my favourites are the original Christmas Carol, Gone with the Wind (I would watch that anytime), and any Indiana Jones movie.

The book I could read again and again is…
I read a lot! Some classics I have read a few times. Airplane books and mysteries are great. War & Peace was wonderful.

My life motto is…
Leave more than you take where ever you go. If everyone followed that advice this world would be a better place. And if you say something carry it through, keeping your word is important.

My colleagues would most likely describe me as…
Honest / respected / you don’t have to like people to be respectful.

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